Tomgram: Engelhardt, Tear Down the Freedom Tower | TomDispatch
"If September 11th was indeed a nightmare, 9/11 as a memorial and Ground Zero as a “consecrated” place have turned out to be a blank check for the American war state, funding an endless trip to hell. They have helped lead us into fields of carnage that put the dead of 9/11 to shame."
Ramblings about life, the universe and everything; especially my alter-ego's none existent cat
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
When Phones Were Phones!

Not these expensive multi-purpose phone cum computer cum email cum TV cum DVD player cum Camcorder cum Camera cum Hi-Fi System cum everything devices. Not these mega expensive, mobile connected, everything, everywhere portable computing devices that also happen to do phone calls… and also happen to track your every move!!!
Pine for a world were word processing, voice recording, video recording and playing, music making and shopping and constant email contact didn't follow you everywhere you go? A world where you could walk down the street without bumping into people stumbling aimlessly around head buried in their 'Mobile Device'? A world where you didn't have to put up with white ear bud wearing, inanely smiling people living in a world of their own laughing at some in joke email or personal video message, or something, whatever!
Well I got fed-up of the multi-touch, multi-media world lately and decided to go back to the good old days of only 10 or so years ago. To my favorite mobile phones that I have owned over the last 30 years (and I have owned a lot and always had the latest)... the Ericsson T28 and the Ericsson R320.
Lovely phones, small, light, long battery life and great for voice calls and txting. Both have voice activated calling and great reception and the T28 is a brilliant and totally classic piece of design that has never been replicated. A button activated flip out mic and auto voice calling and just so small and light when compared to the expensive and relatively fragile iBricks most people carry around these days. A mere 83gms and 97 x 50 x 15 mm with 4 0r 5 hours of talk time and a massive 65 hours of standby time. These things don't need charging everyday like those multi-media iBricks tend to.
Picked them both up really cheap on eBay and their in great condition. Perfect to throw in the pocket and forget about until you need to call or txt someone and then to know that you will always have good reception and don't have to worry about holding them in a particular way or standing close to the window or something equally daft that we have come to take for granted with those expensive multi-media mobile devices.
Maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy old man but I really don't know what the latest tech is adding to the world... maybe its just a tech addiction that feeds corporate coffers and has us throwing perfectly good devices away just so we can have the newest, greatest and latest Android or iPhone. I remember some technology wag saying many years ago that the only thing sure about the future was that the phone companies would make a lot of money... you only have to look at the high street proliferation of mobile phone shops and who are the global giants to see how right they were.
So I thought it was time to go back to the future and get rid of my iDevices and invest in some proper mobile tech. So I thought about which were my favorite phones of all time given I had been an early adopter and always had both personal and work provided mobiles upadted very regularly. The Nokia 8110 was good and the Motorola Razr to, but the Ericsson phones of the late 90's early 2000's were the best ever.
I think mobile phones reached an apogee at the Millennium and it has been all down hill since then.
The Ericsson R320 is actually my favorite ever phone, I had one one they came out in 2000 and kept it for years. It even has an infrared port (remember those :-) and can be configured for email and simple WAP browsing etc... but who needs those things. I just want a good reliable sturdy phone that is going to do the job it's designed for and both these classic retro Ericsson phones do the job, brilliantly!
The T28 has got to be the retro classic and in my opinion has yet to be bettered as a small, light basic mobile phone. Very Star Trek, actually! Born in 1999 it will live long and prosper :-)
I now use both and always carry the T28 when I go anywhere. Long live the real mobile phones from the time when phones were phones were phones...
Enjoy!, Tom
ps: I recently picked up a job lot of T28's, some T28 World, T28s and T28sc models and plan to refurbish them, so if any of you fancy a great little classic 'retro' phone that does what a good mobile phone should then just drop me an email at or call me on my R320 at 07519 839 604
... going cheap to good homes :-)
t28 World,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
And Now For Something Completely Different!
All around the western world Governments are downsizing their standing Armies. In the UK, which is currently fighting 3 wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, the plan is to reduce the Army by 17,000 troops. Officially they will be replaced by a "more deployable" reservist force of accountants, managers and other corporate workers, part time soldiers. Unofficially they will be replaced by drone killing machines and Mercenaries!
Did you know that there are now more 'Private Contractors' in Afghanistan than regular US soldiers? Given there are over 100,000 troops that is an awful lot of mercenaries. The West is in the process of 'outsourcing' it's fighting forces and in the US, as always, they are also in the process of civilianising their Military or at least removing the line between the two. Its not just the heads of the CIA and US Military forces that are swapping jobs, there are now thousands of CIA operatives and State Department 'civilians' deployed around the world in our multiple Theaters of War.
Meanwhile those 'savings' made by telling serving soldiers, many just back from War, that they are losing their jobs will be increasingly pumped into new Drones, UAV's, RFID chips and other technologies of Net Centric Warfare (or Network Enabled Capability as it is known in the UK and NZ). The same announcement of job losses in the UK Army was accompanied by more talk of beefing up our CyberWarfare capability!
That means lots more fresh faced kids straight out of school and many years of PlayStation and XBox training will be heading to the Cyber-warfare Training Facilities and ending up piloting drone killing machines from thousands of miles away as they kill real people in the real world.
The Echalon of UKCANZAUS (That's UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States) will continue to police the globe and carry out remote assasinations and capture/kill missions wereever and whenever it feels like it on this blue planet of ours. Empire gone mad? Terminator come true? The Military-Industrial-Media Complex running amok?
Meanwhile the US and Europe threaten to default on their massive debts, created mainly by their expensive Wars, and Financial Armageddon is just around the corner.
What a weird and surreal world we live in.
Did you know that there are now more 'Private Contractors' in Afghanistan than regular US soldiers? Given there are over 100,000 troops that is an awful lot of mercenaries. The West is in the process of 'outsourcing' it's fighting forces and in the US, as always, they are also in the process of civilianising their Military or at least removing the line between the two. Its not just the heads of the CIA and US Military forces that are swapping jobs, there are now thousands of CIA operatives and State Department 'civilians' deployed around the world in our multiple Theaters of War.
Meanwhile those 'savings' made by telling serving soldiers, many just back from War, that they are losing their jobs will be increasingly pumped into new Drones, UAV's, RFID chips and other technologies of Net Centric Warfare (or Network Enabled Capability as it is known in the UK and NZ). The same announcement of job losses in the UK Army was accompanied by more talk of beefing up our CyberWarfare capability!
That means lots more fresh faced kids straight out of school and many years of PlayStation and XBox training will be heading to the Cyber-warfare Training Facilities and ending up piloting drone killing machines from thousands of miles away as they kill real people in the real world.
The Echalon of UKCANZAUS (That's UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States) will continue to police the globe and carry out remote assasinations and capture/kill missions wereever and whenever it feels like it on this blue planet of ours. Empire gone mad? Terminator come true? The Military-Industrial-Media Complex running amok?
Meanwhile the US and Europe threaten to default on their massive debts, created mainly by their expensive Wars, and Financial Armageddon is just around the corner.
What a weird and surreal world we live in.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Imagine! - A World of Drone Wars, Weather Weapons and Nano-Tech Spies
Imagine a world where a silent Reaper drone flies overhead in the darkness high above some foreign land. It's pilot sitting comfortably in daylight some many thousands of miles away in Hancock Air Base near Syracuse in front of his monitor, watching that foreign land drift by from high above in infrared. The target acquired a squeeze on his PlayStation trigger releases a small pod from beneath the Reaper which falls rapidly then is slowed by the deployment of a small black parachute. The pod drifts to the ground outside the target town and on hitting the dirt splits open. A swarm of tiny bio-nan insects burst out from the pod; a merging of nano-tech machine and biological Bee.
The swarm immediately appear on the pilots distant monitor and he reaches for the control that will direct them to their target deep inside the town. His monitor now displays the lead nanoBee's image of the world in addition to that from the Reaper drone, allowing him to maneuver the Bees through the dark streets of the town to a small house behind high compound walls. A group of people out walking notice the insects flying by but think nothing of it. Meanwhile packed in the nanoBees pollen sacks is a pheromone virus programmed to illicit a specific set of behaviors within what will soon be their human hosts.
The swarm splits into multiple groups and quickly finds multiple entry points into the house and via heat signatures visible from the Reaper drones surveillance cameras the remote pilot sends them into close proximity to the human targets. When within 3 feet of the target the nanoBees release their invisible payload into the air and quickly depart the scene.
The targets start to argue and quarrel among themselves. Voices are raised, guns are raised... they shoot each other!
You might think this is a nice science fiction story, or at least the beginnings of one, but its not! It's highly probable that this kind of thing is happening right now in Pakistan or Yemen or anywhere else that the CIA and US Government decide that they want to carry out their 'War on Terror'. We have all heard about the Reapers and the guided bombs, the 'targeted killings' or assassinations carried out using drones in and over supposedly sovereign nations. But they are pretty indiscriminate, lead to lots of bad press when civilians become 'collateral damage'. But the only story we would hear, if we heard one at all, would be of terrorists killing each other given the above scenario. What if the payload was something more sinister, a nano-tech virus that killed perhaps or just some plain old chemical or biological weaponry?
Scary science-fiction?, conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo? well believe me these nanoBees or 'cyborg insects' actually do exist and have already been used for surveillance, possibly a lot more. I know, I have seen them.
As far back as the 70's the CIA was developing micro-UAVs in the form of Dragonflies - see this 2007 Wired article for more info. Micro-UAVs and bio-nan Hi-MEMS have become increasingly sophisticated over the last 40 years. They are a here and now reality in 2011 and in use in the AFPAK theater among other places, including for domestic surveillance.
Well my post of yesterday must have touched a nerve as today I lost my job, out-of-the-blue! No way I can prove they were related but I'm expecting the disruptive patterns I unleashed with my first nano-tech/scalar weapons post - and no doubt this follow-up too - to get worse before they get better.
I'll keep you posted on any further developments and stay tuned for more on this fascinating and clearly sensitive subject!
In the meantime check out Killer Drones Take The Place of War on Truthout
The swarm immediately appear on the pilots distant monitor and he reaches for the control that will direct them to their target deep inside the town. His monitor now displays the lead nanoBee's image of the world in addition to that from the Reaper drone, allowing him to maneuver the Bees through the dark streets of the town to a small house behind high compound walls. A group of people out walking notice the insects flying by but think nothing of it. Meanwhile packed in the nanoBees pollen sacks is a pheromone virus programmed to illicit a specific set of behaviors within what will soon be their human hosts.
The swarm splits into multiple groups and quickly finds multiple entry points into the house and via heat signatures visible from the Reaper drones surveillance cameras the remote pilot sends them into close proximity to the human targets. When within 3 feet of the target the nanoBees release their invisible payload into the air and quickly depart the scene.
The targets start to argue and quarrel among themselves. Voices are raised, guns are raised... they shoot each other!
You might think this is a nice science fiction story, or at least the beginnings of one, but its not! It's highly probable that this kind of thing is happening right now in Pakistan or Yemen or anywhere else that the CIA and US Government decide that they want to carry out their 'War on Terror'. We have all heard about the Reapers and the guided bombs, the 'targeted killings' or assassinations carried out using drones in and over supposedly sovereign nations. But they are pretty indiscriminate, lead to lots of bad press when civilians become 'collateral damage'. But the only story we would hear, if we heard one at all, would be of terrorists killing each other given the above scenario. What if the payload was something more sinister, a nano-tech virus that killed perhaps or just some plain old chemical or biological weaponry?
Scary science-fiction?, conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo? well believe me these nanoBees or 'cyborg insects' actually do exist and have already been used for surveillance, possibly a lot more. I know, I have seen them.
As far back as the 70's the CIA was developing micro-UAVs in the form of Dragonflies - see this 2007 Wired article for more info. Micro-UAVs and bio-nan Hi-MEMS have become increasingly sophisticated over the last 40 years. They are a here and now reality in 2011 and in use in the AFPAK theater among other places, including for domestic surveillance.
Well my post of yesterday must have touched a nerve as today I lost my job, out-of-the-blue! No way I can prove they were related but I'm expecting the disruptive patterns I unleashed with my first nano-tech/scalar weapons post - and no doubt this follow-up too - to get worse before they get better.
I'll keep you posted on any further developments and stay tuned for more on this fascinating and clearly sensitive subject!
In the meantime check out Killer Drones Take The Place of War on Truthout
Monday, July 11, 2011
Nanotech Is Now! - Hidden Technologies
One thing we can be very sure of is that what we see and hear in the News these days is definitely not what is really going on. Yes events get reported but more often than not the connections between these events and the true causes, effects and meaning is lost in the swirl of propaganda and spin.
I firmly believe that many of the events we are witnessing around the world these days are the result of a major war being fought with Scalar Weapons and Nanotechnology.
Scalar Weapons are weapons that can create severe weather events and also create earthquakes. In development since at least the late 19th Century and the time of Nicola Tesla and later Wilhelm Reich, these weapons have been in use by the major global power groupings for some time now and are responsible for many if not all of the severe 'natural disasters' we have been witnessing around the planet. As far back as 1997 the then US Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, said the following
The other major set of current weapons technology that remains deliberately hidden from the vast majority of humanity are the significant breakthroughs in nanotech and biotech that has led to the creation of some pretty scary nanotech viruses and 'bionan' combinations of organic and machine components at a level of miniaturization that renders it practically invisible. One not quite so invisible manifestation of this are the killer swarms of cyborg insects being developed by the US Army as an adjunct to their other larger drone killing machines capable of remote control from 1000's of miles away by young men brought up on a diet of violent video games. These things are real and a quick trawl of the internet will bring up lots of info about these 'drones', 'uav's', 'cyborg insects'! What is less visible and much harder to find information about are the engineered nanotech viruses and bionan pheromones. Imagine a world were these things can be released into the air or the water supply and they are capable, depending on their programming, of altering peoples thoughts or actions at a mass level. None lethal but very valuable to a military or government seeking to control a population or just steer them in a particular direction.
Corporations and the rich elite have kept these powerful technologies secret so that they can consolidate their grip on them and plan and implement a future world were we are even more their obedient slaves than we currently are.
Scalar weapons were originally in the hands of the Russian Mafia who inherited them from a collapsing soviet bloc and also the Yakuza in Japan and the US Mafia - these days indistinguishable from their respective national Governments - and the Israeli State and others have also obtained and developed very powerful scalar and nanotech weapons. In fact the Isrealis are at the forefront of unmanned peopleless warfare and the use of 'robots' of all shapes and sizes to do their killing for them. Barbara Ehrenriechs recent article on TomDispatch "The Fog of (Robot) War" is a great intro to this subject and the roots of its genesis in the modern world of warfare.
Have you wondered if the recent double whammy in Japan of the Earthquake/Tsunami and Nuclear 'accident' where more than they seemed? Whether the 'Bird Flu' was really just a naturally occurring virus? Whether freak floods in China and Tornadoes and floods in the USA where really just unusual weather events? The list could go on and on...
Well here's a thought for you. If the elites really do have scalar weapons and nanotechnology, which is highly likely given the years of research and the billions pumped into it, then would they not use it to further their agendas? whatever those might be?
I have been thinking about this a lot lately and doing a bunch of research so expect a few more posts on the subject were I get into some more specific details and also speculate on what might be here already or just around the corner in this scary new world of drones, weather weapons and bionan.
I firmly believe that many of the events we are witnessing around the world these days are the result of a major war being fought with Scalar Weapons and Nanotechnology.
Scalar Weapons are weapons that can create severe weather events and also create earthquakes. In development since at least the late 19th Century and the time of Nicola Tesla and later Wilhelm Reich, these weapons have been in use by the major global power groupings for some time now and are responsible for many if not all of the severe 'natural disasters' we have been witnessing around the planet. As far back as 1997 the then US Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, said the following
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.
The other major set of current weapons technology that remains deliberately hidden from the vast majority of humanity are the significant breakthroughs in nanotech and biotech that has led to the creation of some pretty scary nanotech viruses and 'bionan' combinations of organic and machine components at a level of miniaturization that renders it practically invisible. One not quite so invisible manifestation of this are the killer swarms of cyborg insects being developed by the US Army as an adjunct to their other larger drone killing machines capable of remote control from 1000's of miles away by young men brought up on a diet of violent video games. These things are real and a quick trawl of the internet will bring up lots of info about these 'drones', 'uav's', 'cyborg insects'! What is less visible and much harder to find information about are the engineered nanotech viruses and bionan pheromones. Imagine a world were these things can be released into the air or the water supply and they are capable, depending on their programming, of altering peoples thoughts or actions at a mass level. None lethal but very valuable to a military or government seeking to control a population or just steer them in a particular direction.
Corporations and the rich elite have kept these powerful technologies secret so that they can consolidate their grip on them and plan and implement a future world were we are even more their obedient slaves than we currently are.
Scalar weapons were originally in the hands of the Russian Mafia who inherited them from a collapsing soviet bloc and also the Yakuza in Japan and the US Mafia - these days indistinguishable from their respective national Governments - and the Israeli State and others have also obtained and developed very powerful scalar and nanotech weapons. In fact the Isrealis are at the forefront of unmanned peopleless warfare and the use of 'robots' of all shapes and sizes to do their killing for them. Barbara Ehrenriechs recent article on TomDispatch "The Fog of (Robot) War" is a great intro to this subject and the roots of its genesis in the modern world of warfare.
Have you wondered if the recent double whammy in Japan of the Earthquake/Tsunami and Nuclear 'accident' where more than they seemed? Whether the 'Bird Flu' was really just a naturally occurring virus? Whether freak floods in China and Tornadoes and floods in the USA where really just unusual weather events? The list could go on and on...
Well here's a thought for you. If the elites really do have scalar weapons and nanotechnology, which is highly likely given the years of research and the billions pumped into it, then would they not use it to further their agendas? whatever those might be?
I have been thinking about this a lot lately and doing a bunch of research so expect a few more posts on the subject were I get into some more specific details and also speculate on what might be here already or just around the corner in this scary new world of drones, weather weapons and bionan.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A Country At War Part 2
"Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America nor, for that matter, in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. ... [V]oice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
— Hermann Göring
This quote from the Nazi propaganda king caught my eye today and seems still so relevant in our current age of permanent and endless wars. We are now into a decade of the 'War On Terror ' or 'War Of Terror' depending whether you are in the military of the western empire or a Pakistani herdsman or a Libyan civilian on the receiving end of a Predator drone attack.
It always struck me as remarkably similar the images of Hitler in front of a burning Reichstag denouncing the 'terrorists' which cemented his power and led directly to the start of the second world war, and those of George Bush in front of the ruins of the Twin Towers denouncing the 'terrorists' and making his famous 'your either with us or against us' speech that has launched us into 10 long years of war in countrys who had little or nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks... but do have lots of oil.
Funded by giant global corporations and surrounded by a cadre of close associates who came from those very corporations, he launched the 'homeland' into a war to seize the wealth and assets of other lands. I could be talking about Hitler or Bush here and the remarkable thing is that those corporations were linked in both eras. George W Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a partner in Brown Brothers Harriman and one of the proprietors of the Banking Corporation Union. Both companies played a key role in financing Hitler on his way to power in Germany. The major beneficiaries of the Iraq war are major corporations like Halliburton and Lockheed Martin.
And has Obama changed anything? 'Yes We Can' has seen a continuing massive increase in military spending, ongoing wars... and he hasn't even managed to close Gauntanamo. So, 'No He Can't'!
Lest we forget most of the 9/11 'terrorists' were Saudi Arabian citizens and yet Saudi Arabia remains a staunch ally of the west in its ongoing middle eastern wars. Could it be something to do with the fact that Saudi is the worlds largest producer and supplier of oil and America the worlds largest consumer and addict?
Map source : Eric Waddell, The Battle for Oil, Global Research, 2003
Iraq, and Libya of course, do have oil and the blood of many a brave soldier of the Empire has been spilt gaining it, protecting it and exploiting it. Afghanistan is the strategic site of many trans-country oil pipelines that transport oil from the middle east and Russian fields, it also happens, as does Iraq, to share a border with Iran, another major oil producer.
I have always thought that Iranian containment was the main geopolitical goal of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the ring of US and allied bases that now circle Iran, from Iraq and Turkey in the east, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the north to Afghanistan in the west and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait in the south tend to back that view up.
Did you know that the US Empire now has around 800+ military bases around the world some as large as cities? The British Empire at its height had 36! But I digress and that particular 'sign of empire' is the subject for another post. In the meantime check out this excellent article at TomDispatch - Being In Base Denial
And what is the most amazing thing and what started this meandering post is that we seem to be able to start new wars, like that in Libya right now, without causing even a ripple among the general population, no heated debates in Parliament or any opposition to speak of. Are we so well led and so controlled by propaganda that we can't see that these are wars of aggression fought against much weaker opponents and that we, The West, are the aggressors.
I guess it really is "a simple matter to drag the people along..."
For a more in depth and authoritative view on most of the issues raised above see Noam Chomsky's excellent recent article - Is The World To Big To Fail?
— Hermann Göring
This quote from the Nazi propaganda king caught my eye today and seems still so relevant in our current age of permanent and endless wars. We are now into a decade of the 'War On Terror ' or 'War Of Terror' depending whether you are in the military of the western empire or a Pakistani herdsman or a Libyan civilian on the receiving end of a Predator drone attack.
It always struck me as remarkably similar the images of Hitler in front of a burning Reichstag denouncing the 'terrorists' which cemented his power and led directly to the start of the second world war, and those of George Bush in front of the ruins of the Twin Towers denouncing the 'terrorists' and making his famous 'your either with us or against us' speech that has launched us into 10 long years of war in countrys who had little or nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks... but do have lots of oil.
Funded by giant global corporations and surrounded by a cadre of close associates who came from those very corporations, he launched the 'homeland' into a war to seize the wealth and assets of other lands. I could be talking about Hitler or Bush here and the remarkable thing is that those corporations were linked in both eras. George W Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a partner in Brown Brothers Harriman and one of the proprietors of the Banking Corporation Union. Both companies played a key role in financing Hitler on his way to power in Germany. The major beneficiaries of the Iraq war are major corporations like Halliburton and Lockheed Martin.
And has Obama changed anything? 'Yes We Can' has seen a continuing massive increase in military spending, ongoing wars... and he hasn't even managed to close Gauntanamo. So, 'No He Can't'!
Lest we forget most of the 9/11 'terrorists' were Saudi Arabian citizens and yet Saudi Arabia remains a staunch ally of the west in its ongoing middle eastern wars. Could it be something to do with the fact that Saudi is the worlds largest producer and supplier of oil and America the worlds largest consumer and addict?
Map source : Eric Waddell, The Battle for Oil, Global Research, 2003
Iraq, and Libya of course, do have oil and the blood of many a brave soldier of the Empire has been spilt gaining it, protecting it and exploiting it. Afghanistan is the strategic site of many trans-country oil pipelines that transport oil from the middle east and Russian fields, it also happens, as does Iraq, to share a border with Iran, another major oil producer.
I have always thought that Iranian containment was the main geopolitical goal of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the ring of US and allied bases that now circle Iran, from Iraq and Turkey in the east, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the north to Afghanistan in the west and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait in the south tend to back that view up.
Did you know that the US Empire now has around 800+ military bases around the world some as large as cities? The British Empire at its height had 36! But I digress and that particular 'sign of empire' is the subject for another post. In the meantime check out this excellent article at TomDispatch - Being In Base Denial
And what is the most amazing thing and what started this meandering post is that we seem to be able to start new wars, like that in Libya right now, without causing even a ripple among the general population, no heated debates in Parliament or any opposition to speak of. Are we so well led and so controlled by propaganda that we can't see that these are wars of aggression fought against much weaker opponents and that we, The West, are the aggressors.
I guess it really is "a simple matter to drag the people along..."
For a more in depth and authoritative view on most of the issues raised above see Noam Chomsky's excellent recent article - Is The World To Big To Fail?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Any Consensus on the Census? (The Age of Surveillance - Part 2)

This in turn plays into the hands of the watchers and allows this 'Surveillance State' to become ever more controlling and pervasive in and of our daily lives.
Lets take as an example, my average working day. I wake up in the morning to the alarm on my smartphone - this has a GPS chip in that allows anyone who wants to to know the location of my phone. I get dressed and check my email and blog sites etc over breakfast - all of these internet visits can and are tracked and saved creating a detailed history of my browsing and activity. I hop into my car - which also has a GPS chip for geolocation and is registered to me through licensing and insure etc. I drive to work and am photographed by CCTV cameras, traffic light cameras and police cameras on my entire 30 minute journey to the office. I have my work Mobile Phone with me at all times, again geolocatable and hackable. I log onto the work IT systems which scan and track and keep logs of all my activity on corporate systems including storing and archiving all emails and keeping internet browser history. I nip out for lunch and use my credit card at an ATM and again at a food store - all tracked and recorded.
I could go on but you get the picture. Although mostly none of this surveillance data is ever looked at again, it can be if anyone really wants to. We live in a 'Surveillance State' where every moment of our lives is tracked and stored by the technologies we use and largely take for granted. Beyond this the 'Surveillance State' holds vast amounts of information about us - our Digital Identities - birth records, address, tax, driving licence, council tax etc etc. Information that can be matched to photographic and digital records of our movements and transactions on The Grid right down to the level of mobile phone conversations and text messages if required.
Which brings me to the title of this blog, the recent UK Census. Conducted by Lockheed Martin the giant global defence contractor, arms dealer and death monger that is as pervasive and ubiquitous as surveillance when it comes to western Governments and Defence organisations.
"Invasive. Intrusive. Unsuitable" Thats what David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister, said of plans for the 2011 UK Census while in opposition, but on gaining power he changed nothing. Did you know that all your personal data collected by this invasive Census will be accessible by the CIA and other US Government agencies by virtue of the 'United States Patriot Act'?
Its going to be collected and processed by the insidious American corporation, Lockheed Martin. Why and to what end? And to top it all the UK government will fine you the princely sum of 1000 pounds for refusing to hand over masses of detailed and intrusive information about yourself to themselves, Lockheed Martin and by extension the US Government.
And yet the vast majority of us quietly accept this and hand over the data without a second thought? Surveillance (by what is called 'Five Eyes' in military and government security clearance circles) really has become so ubiquitous that is it almost invisible. Those 'Five Eyes' are Britain, The United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - in other words the Anglosphere - and any data you hand over in the Census returns is going to be accessible to all five of those English speaking allies who essentially operate one 'shadow government' these days. - Largely controlled and operated by Lockheed Martin
So if you haven't complied already you might want to look at some of the great info and resources on the web around Boycotting the UK Census at No Census Taking Part and at who have a great tagline...
...because your eyes are open but you do not see
Say No To CCTV
Friday, April 15, 2011
Like Frogs In Boiling Water (The Age of Surveillance - Part 1)

C4ISR stands for Computers, Communications, Command & Control, Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance... quite a mouthful, eh? Well that's why the military is riddled with acronyms and everyone speaks in a sort of TLA code, but I digress.
Part of my role in Force Development and part of the role of the Battle Labs we ran was to look at an evaluate new technologies for the C4ISR capability so I was exposed to some of the latest military and civilian technology in this area. Believe me the capabilities of this stuff are scary especially when applied to the 'Homeland Security' arena and directed at the 'domestic' population, in other words the civilain populations of the very countries who are utilising this stuff. And, by the way, making big bucks selling it to other governments around the world.
Now I can't tell you all I know about the latest Surveillance tech or I would have to shoot you :-) but I just wanted to put into context some of the stuff I will be writing about in my blogs and let you know that I'm not just 'talking out of my backside' I have actually worked in this arena for the NZ Defence Force and with the allied powers of the 'Anglosphere' for the last three years.
So hopefully now that I've 'come out' this can provide some context as I delve deeper in forthcoming blogs into the issues of surveillance, electronic warfare and the brave new world of digital identities, transparency and the pervasive tracking of the online and offline activity of individuals and groups.
We are all just grist for the intelligence analysis mill and this throws up a whole lot of questions and issues, especially in regard to our concepts of privacy and freedom and some of the underlying principles our western civilisation is supposed to be built apon.
Do we live in a democracy? Do we live in a Panopticon prison with no visible walls? Do we really have any privacy or freedom in the brave new electronic age?
So in future blogs I will be examining some of these questions in an attempt to raise the profile of these issues and stimulate debate.
For to long now we have been like the proverbial Frog in the slowly warming water... if we are not careful we will boil to death because we just don't notice the change in temperature. Perhaps we need to get out before its to late.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Panopticon and Permanent War

Britain is the most surveilled nation in the world with the average Londoner being photographed 400+ times a day. In this age of high resolution colour images, face recognition software and integrated tracking systems its a scary thought.
This remarkable invasion of privacy has become the norm in our post 9-11 society where you can never really escape from the cameras except way out in the countryside. "So if you have nothing to hide whats the problem" you may say. Or 'It makes us safer and protects us from terrorism". Really? - that all kind of depends on the watchers being fair and never making mistakes doesn't it? and just whose definition of terrorism are we quoting here? My big concern is Who watches the watchers? ... this whole big brother thing is just far to open to abuse and misuse.
Having been in local and central government for the last few years, albeit in New Zealand not the UK, my biggest concern are the careless bureaucrats and the state machine which just churns on regardless and can easily destroy peoples lives through mistakes and false profiling for example.
The potential for abuse in this 'Panopticon' Grid we live in is not the only fear, IMHO the potential for cock-up and incompetance far outweighs the potentail for conspiracy or deliberate acts of abuse.
So you don't have to be paranoid to live here, but it helps! because they really are watching you... everywhere and all the time.
Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon is now a reality and we already live in a Police State that is in a permanent state of war, where we are the controlled proles kept quiet by the opium of consumerism and celebrity culture. Does that sound familiar?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Country At War

While walking around the centre of British power at Westminster and Whitehall yesterday I was struck by the barriers and Police and general feeling of a country at war, despite the usual throngs of tourists and Londoners going about their daily business.
Opposite the Houses of Parliament, Parliament Square is now closed and surrounded by high fences and security guards. Winston Churchill still walks there and his imposing statue stands just a few feet away from the signs, shacks and tents of the anti-war protestors who have been relegated to the pavement between the closed off park in the square and one of the busiest roads in London. It was hard to get across to them as all the traffic lights to get across to Parliament Square had been removed
The tourists walk past on the other side of the road like the proverbial Levite in the Bible story. I guess they have closed off the square and removed the ability to cross to it to discourage the protestors; make it so hard for them they will just want to go home.
But do we notice the protesters gathered in the square closest to our centre of power? Do we notice their suppression? No, but we do notice the Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square, the Bahrainis at the Pearl Roundabout, the Syrians, the Libyans.
So just why did we attack Libya but not Bahrain or Syria for surely there are innocent civilians dieing there at the hands of their government.
It was just such a interesting juxtaposition. Churchill striding high across the Square the ubiquitous surveillance camera high on the building behind him and right next door the shacks and tents of the anti-war protesters; cowed and quiet amidst all the noise of the city and the click of tourist cameras pointing the other way.
To Stop War The People Must Stop
But they didn't they just kept walking blindly by
The Answer To The Mog Question
Well I think I have the answer to the question I posed in the previous post 3 years ago...
If no one views it then it doesn't exist, or rather it does remain as an artifact in cyberspace but just one of those billions of dead bits of data that no one eve sees or reads unless you stumble upon them while surfing randomly through the blogosphere.
Will I actually start blogging on this blog now? after leaving it dormant for three years and not following my own intention? We'll see!
I'm certainly more active in cyberspace now than I was back in 2008. I have my much used and viewed Flickr pages at , my 'A Raven Image' blog at my Facebook and Twitter presence... and even a dalliance with Google Buzz although I might be the only person on there :-)
So Schrödinger... this blog does not exist unless people read it and they will only read it if they can find it and if they find it interesting. But as Bill English said yesterday at the SharePoint Best Practice Conference I was attending in London;
"Findability is all about Putability" ... its only the metadata you attach to it and where you put your stuff that makes that stuff findable at all...
And lets face it its all just 'stuff'... so I have to ask; does anyone find this rambling of any interest?
If no one views it then it doesn't exist, or rather it does remain as an artifact in cyberspace but just one of those billions of dead bits of data that no one eve sees or reads unless you stumble upon them while surfing randomly through the blogosphere.
Will I actually start blogging on this blog now? after leaving it dormant for three years and not following my own intention? We'll see!
I'm certainly more active in cyberspace now than I was back in 2008. I have my much used and viewed Flickr pages at , my 'A Raven Image' blog at my Facebook and Twitter presence... and even a dalliance with Google Buzz although I might be the only person on there :-)
So Schrödinger... this blog does not exist unless people read it and they will only read it if they can find it and if they find it interesting. But as Bill English said yesterday at the SharePoint Best Practice Conference I was attending in London;
"Findability is all about Putability" ... its only the metadata you attach to it and where you put your stuff that makes that stuff findable at all...
And lets face it its all just 'stuff'... so I have to ask; does anyone find this rambling of any interest?
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